Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to Create And Embed A Contact Form On The Fly

grunion-form-builder-smallCreating and embedding a form into your WordPress blog is not as easy as it seems. Since WordPress doesn't come with a built-in form builder, you will have to first install and activate a contact form plugin, then go to the plugin setting to create and configure the form. Lastly, go to your new post and copy the form shortcode into the content area. With Grunion contact form, you can now eliminate all the above mentioned process and create/embed a form to your post on the fly.

After you have installed and activated Grunion, you will discover that there is no settings to configure. To create a new form, first create a new post/page.

Click the form icon at the toolbar.


A form builder window will popup. Here is where you can create and add fields to your form.


Things that you can do with the form builder including editing existing fields, adding new fields and drag to reorder the field. When you are done with the form, click on the "Email notifications" tab to configure the email settings.


You can enter the email address for the form to send to and the subject line of the email.

Once you are done setting up the form, just click the "Add this form to my post" button and it will automatically embed the form into your post.


Form results saved to database

When the form is submitted, the form results will be emailed to the administrator as well as saved into the database. Personally I don't like this feature as it clutters up my database, but it can be a good way for bloggers to keep track of who have contacted them.

On the "Feedback" section, you can view the results of all the forms that were submitted.


That's it. With Grunion contact form, you can now easily create and embed a form to your post on the fly. What other contact form plugin do you use?

Note: Grunion Contact form needs Askimet plugin to work.

Grunion contact form

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