Monday, December 13, 2010

How to Embed Tweets In Your Posts

embed-tweet-blackbirdBlog posts,Twitter, Facebook and many other social networks often go hand in hand. When you publish a blog post, you will often tweet the link to your Twitter account. Sometime when you send a tweet, you will also embed it in your blog post. The problem is, embedding a tweet in your post is not as easy as it should be. It often involves taking screenshot of the tweet, crop/edit it before you upload it to your post. With the introduction of Blackbird Pie, the whole process just become much easier.

Blackbird Pie is a method created by Twitter Media to easily embed a tweet on your site. Feed it with the tweet's URL and it will generate the necessary code for you to copy/paste to your site.

There are several ways that you can make use of it

1. From the Blackbird Pie site

Go to and paste the tweet's URL into the field. Click the "Bake It" button. It will then generate the HTML code where you can copy/paste to your site.


2. Via a bookmarklet

Publitweet has came out with a bookmarklet for you to easily get the embeddable code for a tweet. Drag this BlackBird bookmarklet to your bookmark bar. At any tweet status page, click the bookmarklet and it will generate the code automatically.


3. Blackbird Pie WP Plugin

The code generated by Blackbird Pie site don't always work well with your site. A better (and the easiest) method is to use the Blackbird Pie WP plugin. Once activated, you will find a new blackbird icon at your post editor toolbar. Simply click on it, paste the tweet's URL and click "Insert". It will automatically do all the coding in the backend.


This is the end result:

[blackbirdpie url=""]

What other ways do you use to embed tweets to your WP site?

Image credit: *clairity*

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